
[page] and [post] shortcodes can be used to keep large pages more organized and maintainable by separating them into multiple smaller pages.

Page shortcode arguments
idID of the page to render.
titleTitle of the page to render.
pathPath of the page to render.
wpautopAutomatically add paragraphs (default: true).
blocksAutomatically run do_blocks (default: true).
Post shortcode arguments
idID of the post to render.
titleTitle of the post to render.
wpautopAutomatically add paragraphs (default: true).
Render by ID

This is a test page with ID of 1895.

Consectetur adipiscing elit.

Integer id nisi id velit aliquet scelerisque.

This is a test post with the ID of 1897.

Lorem ipsum dolor.

Sit amet.

A label in the test post

<page 1895>
<post 1897>
Render by title

This is a test page with ID of 1895.

Consectetur adipiscing elit.

Integer id nisi id velit aliquet scelerisque.

This is a test post with the ID of 1897.

Lorem ipsum dolor.

Sit amet.

A label in the test post

<page title="Test page">
<post title="Test post">
Render a page by path

This is a test page with ID of 1895.

Consectetur adipiscing elit.

Integer id nisi id velit aliquet scelerisque.

<page path="/test-page">
Disable wpautop
This is a test page with ID of 1895. Consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id nisi id velit aliquet scelerisque.
This is a test post with the ID of 1897. Lorem ipsum dolor. Sit amet.
A label in the test post
<page 1895 wpautop="false">
<post 1897 wpautop="false">