Chap 1.19.9

Added new Semantic UI Icon theme – Font Awesome SVG. When used, icons will be rendered as inline SVGs instead of loading them from an icon font file. When this theme is enabled (Chap Theme -> Themes -> Icon) you will be asked to install an accompanying plugin that contains the icons, handles caching and backwards compatibility.
This eliminates the need for loading a 75kb icon font file and drops 35kb (6kb gzipped) of Semantic UI icon mapping CSS as well.
Only the icons that you use on the page are loaded.
Comes with all the latest Font Awesome 5.10.1 icons.
Enables the possibility of installing Font Awesome Pro icons if you own a license.
More info here
Load Google Fonts with display=swap by default to ensure text remains visible during webfont loads. Can be disabled by returning false with chap_google_font_display_swap filter.
Custom header background image now works for WC Shop page.
Removed deprecated chap_slide post type registration from theme (feature moved to bundled plugin).
Prevent rendering slides on archive pages – slides assigned to the first post of the archive would be rendered.
Use correct class name for [select] shortcode.
Fix icon positioning in a vertical menu icon item.
Apply Semantic UI checkbox styles to WC review cookie consent checkbox.
Fix unwanted “by” displayed in entry meta when there is no post author.
Removed namespaces from child theme’s functions.php to simplify the process of adding actions and filters for users with no PHP knowledge.
Added option to disable sidebars on blog page.
WooCommerce add to cart buttons are now using flex instead of a predefined height to match the quantity input height. This should work better with different button themes.
Dropped inline TrueType alternative font format for Accordion, Checkbox, Dropdown, Rating and Step components (reduces Semantic UI bundle size by 8.3kb). Woff is more widely supported and slightly smaller than TrueType so it no longer makes sense to provide the alternative.
Disable Search component by default as it is not necessary for Search widget or searchable dropdowns.
Added restrictions for [posts] shortcode template path argument and error messages for admin users.
Migrated to different placeholder image provider:
wp_kses_post the author bio text.
Correctly apply comment_text filter to get_comment_text() used in Chap_Walker_Comment.
Removed “Allow shortcodes in comments” option which wasn’t working anyway due to above filter missing, but has too big security implications to fix and offer in the first place.
Gutenberg Semantic UI 1.0.9
Added support for SVG icons.
Updated icon picker react-select version.
Prevent loading an empty stylesheet.
Fix label block displaying an icon when icon is not the selected media type.
Fixed some styles for Gutenberg 6.5.0 compatibility.
Remove link underline from elements that aren’t supposed to use it even when link underline is enabled.
Label styles are now modular to reduce CSS size when not using corner, attached or circular variants.
Unload unneeded WP Recipe Maker styles.
Load button styles when using [posts] shortcode with cards.
Use transition for [accordion] carets.
Fix incorrect timestamps in loop meta.
Add AMP styles for the new core Social Links block in Gutenberg 6.5.0.
How to update

Your current Chap version can be checked in the WordPress admin dashboard under Chap Theme -> About.

The Envato Market plugin should notify when an update is available. If you're not seeing a message about an update, then you may need to reauthenticate, please refer to the theme updates page for instructions.