Chap 1.16.5 – Font Awesome 5.0

Update – Added early support for Font Awesome 5.0 icons as a theme. Theme can be changed at Chap Theme -> Themes -> Elements -> Icon. There is no AMP support for FA5 as of yet – no whitelisted CDN’s that serve it.
Tweak – [icon] shortcode has a new attribute – amp, that can be used to provide an alternative FA icon class for AMP pages.
Tweak – [icon] shortcode now has aria-hidden attribute by default.
Tweak – [icon] shortcode now retains (some) Semantic UI modifier classes, such as size, circular, bordered, flipped, rotated.
Update – Updated AMP plugin version to 0.6.2, no major changes.
Tweak – Added fallback method for resolving theme assets, in case WP FileSystem method is not configured properly.
Fix – Corrected post meta spacing for RTL.
Fix – Center aligned product quantity in WooCommerce Cart table when product is sold individually.
Tweak – [tab] shortcode now accepts icon, label and label_classes arguments, for displaying icons and/or labels in tab title.
Fix – is now also reversed on AMP pages.
Update – 4 new composites: App hero, Icon feature segments, Post cards and Trial form, Horizontal gallery composite header size tweaked.
New composites
Font Awesome version difference

Future development is now more geared towards adding Gutenberg support for the theme.
How to update

Your current Chap version can be checked in the WordPress admin dashboard under Chap Theme -> About.

The Envato Market plugin should notify when an update is available. If you're not seeing a message about an update, then you may need to reauthenticate, please refer to the theme updates page for instructions.