
Tables in WordPress are created using regular HTML markup, there are no custom shortcodes for them. How ever since Chap is using Semantic UI there are different classes available that can be used for tables.

Learn more about Semantic UI tables.
Header Header Header
Cell Cell Cell
Cell Cell Cell
Cell Cell Cell
<table class="ui celled table">
        <th colspan="3">Footer</th>
Regular <table> tag gets .ui.celled.table classes applied by default, so they don't need to be manually specified.
Padded table
Evidence Rating Effect Efficacy Consensus Comments
Power Output 80%
18 studies
Creatine supplementation is the reference compound for increasing muscular creatine levels; there is variability in this increase, however, with some nonresponders.
Weight 100%
65 studies
Creatine is the reference compound for power improvement, with numbers from one meta-analysis to assess potency
<table class="ui celled padded table">
        <th class="single line">Evidence Rating</th>
      <td>[header large center aligned]A[/header]</td>
      <td class="single line">Power Output</td>
      <td class="center aligned single line">
        [icon yellow star]
        [icon yellow star]
      <td class="right aligned">
        <a href="#">18 studies</a>
      <td>Creatine supplementation is the reference compound for increasing muscular creatine levels; there is variability in this increase, however, with some nonresponders.</td>
      <td>[header large center aligned]A[/header]</td>
      <td class="single line">Weight</td>
      <td class="center aligned single line">
        [icon yellow star]
        [icon yellow star]
        [icon yellow star]
      <td class="right aligned">
        <a href="#">65 studies</a>
      <td>Creatine is the reference compound for power improvement, with numbers from one meta-analysis to assess potency</td>
Basic collapsing table
Employee Correct Guesses
Human Resources
Fabric Design
<table class="ui very basic collapsing celled table">
        <th>Correct Guesses</th>
        [header small image="/avatars/1s.png" image_size="mini rounded"]
          [subheader normal]Human Resources[/subheader]
        [header small image="/avatars/2s.png" image_size="mini rounded"]
          [subheader normal]Fabric Design[/subheader]
        [header small image="/avatars/3s.png" image_size="mini rounded"]
          [subheader normal]Entertainment[/subheader]
        [header small image="/avatars/4s.png" image_size="mini rounded"]
          [subheader normal]Executive[/subheader]
Sortable table
Name Status Notes
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
John No Action None
3 People 2 Approved
<table class="ui sortable celled table">
      <th class="sorted ascending">Status</th>
      <td class="positive">Approved</td>
      <td class="warning">Requires call</td>
      <td class="negative">Denied</td>
      <td>No Action</td>
      <th>3 People</th>
      <th>2 Approved</th>
Using repeat shortcode
Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
<table class="ui celled table">
  [repeat data="
    Jamie|Approved|Requires call,
    Jamie|Approved|Requires call,
    Jamie|Approved|Requires call,
Striped table
Git Repository
node_modules Initial commit 10 hours ago
test Initial commit 10 hours ago
build Initial commit 10 hours ago
package.json Initial commit 10 hours ago
Gruntfile.js Initial commit 10 hours ago
<table class="ui celled striped table">
      <th colspan="3">Git Repository</th>
      <td class="collapsing">[icon folder] node_modules</td>
      <td>Initial commit</td>
      <td class="right aligned collapsing">10 hours ago</td>
      <td>[icon folder] test</td>
      <td>Initial commit</td>
      <td class="right aligned">10 hours ago</td>
      <td>[icon folder] build</td>
      <td>Initial commit</td>
      <td class="right aligned">10 hours ago</td>
      <td>[icon file outline] package.json</td>
      <td>Initial commit</td>
      <td class="right aligned">10 hours ago</td>
      <td>[icon file outline] Gruntfile.js</td>
      <td>Initial commit</td>
      <td class="right aligned">10 hours ago</td>
Definition table
Arguments Description
reset rating None Resets rating to default value
set rating rating (integer) Sets the current star rating to specified value
<table class="ui definition table">
      <td>reset rating</td>
      <td>Resets rating to default value</td>
      <td>set rating</td>
      <td>rating (integer)</td>
      <td>Sets the current star rating to specified value</td>
Structured table
Name Type Files Languages
Ruby JavaScript Python
Alpha Team Project 1 2
Beta Team Project 1 52
Project 2 12
Project 3 21
<table class="ui celled structured table">
      <th rowspan="2">Name</th>
      <th rowspan="2">Type</th>
      <th rowspan="2">Files</th>
      <th colspan="3">Languages</th>
      <td>Alpha Team</td>
      <td>Project 1</td>
      <td class="right aligned">2</td>
      <td class="center aligned">[icon large green checkmark]</td>
      <td rowspan="3">Beta Team</td>
      <td>Project 1</td>
      <td class="right aligned">52</td>
      <td class="center aligned">[icon large green checkmark]</td>
      <td>Project 2</td>
      <td class="right aligned">12</td>
      <td class="center aligned">[icon large green checkmark]</td>
      <td>Project 3</td>
      <td class="right aligned">21</td>
      <td class="center aligned">[icon large green checkmark]</td>
Cell states
Name Status Notes
No Name Specified Approved None
Jimmy Cannot pull data None
Jamie Approved Classified
Jill Approved None
<table class="ui celled table">
      <td class="warning">No Name Specified</td>
      <td class="disabled">None</td>
    <tr class="error">
      <td>Cannot pull data</td>
      <td class="active">Jamie</td>
      <td class="error">[icon attention] Classified</td>
      <td class="positive">[icon checkmark] Approved</td>
      <td class="disabled">None</td>
Cells or rows can contain classes: .positive, .negative, .warning, .error, .active, .disabled
Selectable rows
Name Status Notes
John No Action None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
John No Action None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
<table class="ui selectable celled table">
      <td>No Action</td>
      <td>Requires call</td>
    <tr class="warning">
      <td>No Action</td>
      <td class="positive">Approved</td>
      <td class="warning">Requires call</td>
      <td class="negative">Denied</td>
Inverted selectable
Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
<table class="ui selectable inverted table">
      <th class="right aligned">Notes</th>
      <td class="right aligned">None</td>
      <td class="right aligned">Requires call</td>
      <td class="right aligned">None</td>
Vertical alignment
Name Status Notes
John Approved Notes
Jamie Approved Notes
<table class="ui striped table">
    <tr class="top aligned">
      <td class="top aligned">
      <td class="bottom aligned">Approved</td>
Basic table
Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
<table class="ui basic table">
      <td>Requires call</td>
Very basic table
Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
<table class="ui very basic table">
      <td>Requires call</td>
Collapsing cell
node_modules Initial commit 10 hours ago
test Initial commit 10 hours ago
build Initial commit 10 hours ago
<table class="ui table">
      <td class="collapsing">[icon folder] node_modules</td>
      <td>Initial commit</td>
      <td>10 hours ago</td>
      <td>[icon folder] test</td>
      <td>Initial commit</td>
      <td>10 hours ago</td>
      <td>[icon folder] build</td>
      <td>Initial commit</td>
      <td>10 hours ago</td>
Collapsing cell uses only as much space as required.
Column width
Name Status
John Approved
Jamie Approved
Jill Denied
3 People 2 Approved
<table class="ui table">
      <th class="ten wide">Name</th>
      <th class="six wide">Status</th>
      <th>3 People</th>
      <th>2 Approved</th>
Column width can be specified same as grids.
Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
3 People 2 Approved
<table class="ui collapsing table">
      <td>Requires call</td>
      <th>3 People</th>
      <th>2 Approved</th>
Collapsing table will take only as much space as it's rows.
Colored table
Food Calories Protein
Apples 200 0g
Orange 310 0g
<table class="ui red table">
Inverted colored table
Food Calories Protein
Apples 200 0g
Orange 310 0g
<table class="ui inverted blue table">
Compact table
Name Status Another Status Notes
John Approved Approved None
Jamie Approved Approved Requires call
John Approved Approved None
Jamie Approved Approved Requires call
John Approved Approved None
Jamie Approved Approved Requires call
John Approved Approved None
Jamie Approved Approved Requires call
<table class="ui very compact table">
      <th>Another Status</th>
      <td>Requires call</td>
      <td>Requires call</td>
      <td>Requires call</td>
      <td>Requires call</td>
Small table
Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
3 People 2 Approved
<table class="ui small table">
      <td>Requires call</td>
      <th>3 People</th>
      <th>2 Approved</th>
Large table
Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
3 People 2 Approved
<table class="ui large table">
      <td>Requires call</td>
      <th>3 People</th>
      <th>2 Approved</th>
Exit mobile version