Frequently asked questions
What browsers does this theme support?

Browser compatibility depends on what Semantic UI supports, which is currently the following:

Last 2 Versions FF, Chrome, Safari Mac
IE 11+
Android 4.4+, Chrome for Android 44+
iOS Safari 7+
Microsoft Edge 12 & 13

Although some components will work in IE9, grids and other flexbox components are not supported by IE9 and may not appear correctly.

Does this theme support child themes?

Yes and it is recommended to be used instead of the main theme. Read: Using Chap child.

Will I need to know how to code to use this theme?

Chap is designed to be usable without any knowledge of CSS, JavaScript or PHP. You should have basic understanding of how WordPress shortcodes work.

How ever if you have any knowledge of CSS/SASS/LESS/JavaScript/jQuery you can customize UI elements down to the last detail, without leaving the comfort of WordPress admin dashboard.

If you’re comfortable with PHP you can create your own custom template files, override the theme core functions to suit your needs and take advantage of the available filters and actions.

Does this theme support the new Block Editor (Gutenberg)?

Yes, Chap theme includes support for Gutenberg editor as well as custom blocks allowing to create Semantic UI elements, use content presets and more.

Preview Gutenberg blocks in Chap theme
Does this theme support the old Classic Editor?

Yes, Chap theme predates Gutenberg editor and was originally created to be used with the classic editor. Everything you can do with blocks in the Gutenberg editor can be done by using shortcodes in the Classic editor.

Is this theme responsive?

Yes, Chap will work on desktop computers, tablets and mobiles.

Does this theme have a sticky menu?

Yes, it is possible to enable a sticky menu in this theme. It will be a copy of the main menu and will appear once the user has scrolled below the masthead.

Does this theme have a slider?

Yes, you are able to add custom slides to any page or post using Swiper slider, integrated into this theme.

If you prefer to use Slider Revolution, then that works as well, how ever it is not bundled with this theme, so you would need your own license.

Does this theme have content animations when scrolling down the page?

Yes, version 1.12 added Animate on Scroll library integration.

Does this theme come with a page builder?

No, the custom made shortcodes and blocks that come with Chap are able to accomplish any sort of page content design as well as provide stylistically fitting UI elements.

What shortcodes does this theme come with?

Chap includes intuitive shortcodes for anything you may wish to add on your pages.

View Chap shortcodes
Are the primary and secondary colors customizable?

Yes, you can choose your own brand colors, as well as customize 13 other basic colors used throughout Semantic UI components.

Are the fonts customizable?

Yes, you can choose from Google WebFonts and classic Web Safe Fonts. You can use a separate font family for page headers.

Is the website width customizable?

Yes, you can increase or decrease the website’s width as well as use a boxed layout.

What are the downsides of this theme?
Not ultra lightweight
With the vast amount of features of Semantic UI CSS framework comes a large CSS and JavaScript file size.
What this theme includes to mitigate this:
For mobile performance there is built-in support for Accelerated Mobile Pages to make your content available to mobile users near-instantly.
Togglable components
It’s possible to manually turn off Semantic UI CSS and JS components that are not required for your website, making the front end assets smaller.
No bundled page builder
There is nothing stopping you from using your own page builder, but for Chap we have chosen to not include one due to the high probability of compatibility issues with other plugins, content-breaking updates and general headache.
The custom built shortcodes and blocks that come with Chap are able to accomplish any sort of content design as well as provide stylistically fitting UI elements.
Forms are not supported on AMP pages. Alternative content, such as a button redirecting to the form on the main website, can be used.
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